Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities wait longer for kidney transplants



The latest Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report published by NHS Blood and Transplant reveals that three out of ten patients on the UK’s active kidney transplant waiting list at the end of March 2013 were from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. However, only 23% of patients who received a kidney transplant during 2012/13 were from these communities and, on average, they will wait a year longer for a transplant than a White patient.*

Kidneys are allocated according to many factors, with blood and tissue type amongst the most important and matching is likely to be closer when the ethnicity of the donor and recipient are closer. As only a small percentage (5%) of deceased donors are from BAME communities,this can delay a suitably matched organ being found for BAME patients.

On 31 March 2013, 2,037 (27%) of the 7.560 people on the Transplant Waiting List for any type of organ, were BAME patients.

Last year there were 1,212 deceased donors in the UK. Only 56 of them were from BAME communities. Of those:
21 were Asian
20 were Black
15 were from other ethnic backgrounds

Sally Johnson, NHS Blood and Transplant’s Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation, added: “Patients from Black, Asian and some ethnic minority communities are more likely to need an organ transplant than the rest of the population as they are more susceptible to illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes and certain forms of hepatitis, all of which may result in organ failure and the need for a lifesaving transplant.

“We have seen an increase in consent ** among BAME families – one third (33%) approached about donation said yes in 2012/13, compared to a quarter (24%) the previous year. Although this is encouraging progress, the consent /authorisation rate remains much lower than the 61% consent rate seen among white families. We ask everyone in Britain’s diverse communities to make a decision to donate if and when they can, knowing that they can be proud to help someone in their own community. Remember it’s really important to let your family know your decision and join the NHS Organ Donor Register”

Kirit Modi, Chairman of the National Kidney Federation and co-chair of the NBTA, (the National Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Transplant Alliance) said: “I am today urging individuals from BAME backgrounds as well as appropriate community and religious groups to help improve organ donation and transplantation in our communities. Please discuss this with close members of your family and join the Organ Donor Register. Together we can solve this problem and save lives.”

To join the NHS Organ Donor Register visit or call 0300 123 2323 or text SAVE to 62323. It’s also important to talk to those closest to you about your organ donation wishes.