African Nations Cup UK to offer free HIV testing at games


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African Nations Cup UK will be teaming up with UK HIV charity Terrence Higgins Trust in a bid raise awareness of the HIV and encourage people to get tested.  The Terrance Higgins team will be available throughout the ANCUK tournament, which is on of the biggest community tournaments in the UK, with twenty competing teams.

The charity which, has been working with ANCUK for the last four years, will be at West Ham Memorial Grounds in East London offering sexual health advice to players as well as fans. They will also be offering free rapid HIV tests for those who request it which involves a simple finger prick blood test with result ready in 15 minutes.  Information and support will be provided before and after the test, and anyone who tests positive will be quickly referred to a specialist clinic.

Daniel Lutaaya, Marketing Director of the African Nations Cup UK, said: “Our long term partnership with Terrence Higgins Trust has empowered our community with knowledge about HIV.”
Dennis K. Mahadha, the founder of the tournament, added: “This community event has grown from strength to strength demonstrating that partnership and team work produces fantastic results we can all be proud off. We are thrilled to continue this partnership.”

Africans are at a group that are at high risk of HIV and also less likely to get tested. Two thirds of Africans were diagnosed late, at appoint when they should have already been receiving treatment.

Marcy Madzikanda, Health Improvement Specialist for Terrence Higgins Trust, stated: “We’re delighted to continue our partnership with the African Nations Cup. The tournament is a fantastic opportunity for our charity to get out there, meet the community, and get people talking about HIV testing. Too many Africans in the UK are only getting tested after their health deteriorates, putting them at risk of serious health problems. We want to get our communities talking more openly about this issue, and testing much more regularly.”

Testing will take place on May 31st, June 1st and June 7th from 11am.

For further information on the project, please email: For
further information about the African Nations Cup UK, please visit: