Accused pastor responds with curse


Nigerian pastor and the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Temitope Balogun (TB) Joshua, has issued a curse against certain Zimbabweans whom he claims are spreading lies about him.

T B Joshua
T B Joshua

The controversial pastor posted on his ministry’s Facebook page that people who spread what he calls ‘false rumours’ against him would be destroyed.

Zimbabwean media claimed that Joshua had predicted that three of their prominent preachers would die this year. The alleged prophecy was contained in a message delivered by TB Joshua in his church in early April. The transcript of the message was published by state-owned Herald newspaper in Zimbabwe.

Joshua was quoted to have said, “I saw in a vision a flag, the Lord said that’s the flag of Zimbabwe. In the vision behold there were three trees, but of the three trees only one had roots, the other two were standing, but had no roots.

“The Lord said look again and when I looked the other tree had fallen, and another tree was about to fall. The Lord said take this message to Zimbabwe and tell them, I am cleaning up Prophets in their nation, and the work has already began (sic).

“The three trees represent the three well known prophets in that nation, one who has already fallen and the other about to fall harder than the first.”

But speaking through his verified Facebook page, TB Joshua said he did not make any such pronouncement because he was not given this prophecy by God.

The curse he posted reads: “Good morning, people of Zimbabwe. Our attention has been drawn to false rumours spread by the father of lies which are currently being circulated around Zimbabwe. The reward of liars is destruction.

“We hereby curse, in the name of Jesus, whoever is spreading these rumours. Prophet T.B. Joshua can NEVER and he will NEVER give such a message because our God is not the God of confusion. We should be very careful not to touch an anointed man of God and lie against him.

“The Bible says in John 8:44 that satan (sic) is ‘the father of lies’. Don’t listen to the father of lies, the sons of lies and the daughters of lies. Do not sit somewhere, hear this or that and come to a hasty conclusion. God requires that we find out the truth from Him first and hold fast to that which is true, as the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21.”

In 2012, then-Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai reportedly invited TB Joshua, accused by opposition representatives of being a false prophet, to be the guest speaker at the National Day of Prayer set for Africa Day, May 25, that year.