Senator Tinubu honoured for work in education

Senator Tinubu at a reception with Lambeth’s acting mayor, Councillor Adedamola Aminu
Senator Tinubu at a reception with Lambeth’s acting mayor, Councillor Adedamola Aminu

Lambeth’s acting mayor, Councillor Adedamola Aminu, recently hosted Senator Oluremi Tinubu in anticipation of her award from the Association of Nigerian Academics in the UK (ANAUK), a charity that aims to influence Nigerian educational policy “by developing and contributing innovative ideas to Nigeria’s most pressing education problems at all levels.” Senator Tinubu was recognised for her “outstanding contribution to education and empowerment in Nigeria” and Councillor Aminu hopes that her visit will “serve the purpose of allowing Nigerian politicians to interact more with the Diaspora.”

Senator Tinubu is dedicated to improving educational opportunities in Nigeria; particularly in relation to women, youth and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.  In 2000, she founded the New Era Foundation, which aims to “contribute to the meaningful development of women, children and youths through the combined efforts of well-spirited individuals, organizations and dedicated staff.” The foundation runs various programmes ranging from spelling bees and essay contests to wheelchair tennis and HIV advocacy campaigns, all with the idea of bringing educational reform to Nigeria. She also offers apprenticeships and vocational training as a substitute for those who missed out on formal education for various reasons, including poverty and, as is the case for many women, religious and cultural beliefs.

Despite her achievements and her award from ANAUK, Senator Tinubu believes that education in Nigeria still has a long way to go and that there is still much to be done.