Dogg Pound ensure maximum savings

Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg (or Snoop Lion, according to whichever whim prevails) has been gracing our screens lately in a depressingly stereotypical role advertising The ad features ‘Phil’, a desperately nerdy-looking white boy who manages to save money on insurance for an as yet imaginary car, while Snoop, resplendent in typically expensive regalia, implores us to “save money and feel epic”.

However, it seems His Snoopness took the mantra too seriously when he and his entourage helped themselves to the £1,500 designer suit borrowed for the occasion and equipment, including a plasma TV, during the LA shoot.
According to a source: “Snoop acted like a real diva the whole day, which we expected. He turned up with his whole crew and about six or seven heavies too. His wife was there as well but he had about five of the sexy female extras in his trailer and was entertaining them between takes.
“Once they finished filming, he walked off in the suit and his wife turned around to stunned producers and said, ‘He likes it, he’s keeping it’. Then they spotted one of his security guards had pulled the plasma screen telly off the wall of his trailer too and was strolling out with it under his arm. Everyone was so amazed they didn’t say a thing.
“Clearly £200k wasn’t enough for half a day of his time and he felt he needed some freebies, too.”
And you thought Alexander Orlov was high maintenance!