M23 peace talks stall


M23 military leader General Makenga attend press conference in Bunagana in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

In a post on their official social media accounts, the M23 appeared to put the blame on the flopped peace talks on the DRC government. ‘‘DRC Government doesn’t want to sign deal as long as word ’agreement’ is not removed,’’ the vanquished rebel group said.

Following the defeat of the M23, their commander Sultani Makenge and about 1,600 fighters crossed into Uganda. Makenge is indicted for war crimes but Uganda has said it will not hand him over to the Congolese government, saying that will be determined by the outcome of the peace deal.

A United Nations group of experts and the DRC government accused Rwanda and Uganda of supporting the rebels – something analysts say has made the government suspicious of the Kampala peace talks under Museveni’s mediation. Uganda and Rwanda have denied the accusations

With the rebels defeated, the DRC government seems reluctant to sign a peace agreement with the now defunct M23 arguing that the group no longer exists having dissolved itself.