Rat jibe lands journalists in dock


Ernest KOROMA.

Amnesty International has called on Sierra Leonean authorities to drop proceedings against two editors charged with 26 counts of seditious libel after they published an article comparing President Ernest Bai Koroma to a rat.

On October 23, Jonathan Leigh and Bai Bai Sesay, both editors at the Independent Observer newspaper, were charged with criminal defamation for publishing the article. They have been in detention since, pending the resumption of their trial on October 29.

Leigh’s editorial, about supposed friction between Koroma and his vice-president, Sam Sumana, said Koroma “is regarded as an elephant, but he behaves like a rat and should be treated like one.”

Ibrahim Koroma (no relation), head of Sierra Leone’s criminal investigations department, said of Leigh: “He is bringing the name of President Koroma and the whole cabinet into disrepute.”

Lisa Sherman-Nikolaus, Amnesty International’s Researcher on Sierra Leone, said: “Criminal defamation charges against media workers highlight the incredibly worrying climate for freedom of expression in the West African country.

“All charges must be dropped and these two men released immediately and unconditionally. Their detention and criminal charges appear to stem from them peacefully carrying out journalistic work.

“The Sierra Leonean authorities must respect the right to freedom of expression. Legitimate criticism of public officials should never be grounds for curtailing free speech.”

Sierra Leone’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) confirmed to Amnesty International that the two editors are charged with 26 counts, including “conspiracy to commit acts with seditious intent”. The CID claimed that editors exhibited a “tendency of bringing the name of his Excellency to disrepute and inciting hatred.”

“High-level government officials must be prepared to face public criticism about how they carry out their office. To refuse a space for such criticism and public accountability is a violation of the right to freedom of expression guaranteed by Sierra Leonean and international law,” said Ms Sherman-Nikolaus, adding: “The Public Order Act of 1965, which the Sierra Leonean authorities are abusing in this instance, is extremely antiquated. It should be repealed as it does not comply with international human rights obligations.”

Following the October 23 hearing, advocates for freedom of the press demonstrated outside the court building. Protesters were reportedly pushed aside to allow police vehicles to leave the court compound.

“This is very unfortunate event and reflects a crackdown on media expression. The media has a right to criticise a leader,” Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, the men’s lawyer, said of the charges.

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) sees it as a clear attempt to intimidate journalists.

“These are coordinated attacks on press freedom in Sierra Leone. Police should not regulate the media,” said Abubakarr Bah, an SLAJ spokesperson.