Temptation Is Not The Dead End!

Temptation Choir

Jesus said to Peter, “Satan has desired to seduce, lure, induce, instigate, bind, sift and separate you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail during your temptation and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:31-32).

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Reader, Jesus told Peter, “Satan wants to sift you as wheat.” Satan desired to separate Peter, a man of revelation, from God just as wheat is separated from chaff. Sound familiar, isn’t it? My friend, hear me! Whether you know it or not – whether you believe it or not –satan is after your life especially if you are a son or daughter of God, with a mandate on this earth. If he succeeded with Adam and Eve, you’re not immune! He has desired to separate you from the will of God. He’s all out to use people against you and one major way he accomplishes this is through temptation. Paul said, “We must be very familiar with satan’s schemes and devices.” (2 Cor 2:11).

.My friend, we are in the end-times, the last days before the second coming of Jesus. One thing that will help you maintain your Christian faith to the end; one thing that will help you to endure to the end, if you are going to make heaven is to resist temptation. Not everyone who came out of Egypt made it to the Promised Land. Out of a congregation of more than three million people, only Caleb and Joshua entered. The data of those who died in the wilderness were frightened (1 Cor 10:5). Moses never entered, neither was Aaron. Except we learn and able to resist, deal wisely with, endure and overcome temptation, we might be casualty in Christian race, God forbid!  

My friend, one thing that the devil can use to separate you from God, one thing he can use to quench the fire of the Holy Spirit in you, one thing he will use to abort the purpose or assignment of God for your life is what he used to stop Adam. Satan is predictable? His skills and methods are still the same. Immediately Adam was created, God breath in him the breath of life and he became a living soul and God connected him with his wife. The next thing was that he was tempted, and of course through Eve, his wife. The only reason why Adam did not continue his mission in the Garden of Eden; the reason why he was separated from God, was because he did not deal with, resist and overcome the temptation that was presented to him. If there was anything that Jesus first of all faced after He was declared to be the Son of God by power (Math 3:17, Eph 1:4), was temptation by satan. The Bible says, “He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” (Matt. 4:1) My friend, the same primary thing (temptation) which satan used against Adam and Jesus are the same thing he will use against us to separate us from God and to stop our progress. Until Jesus went to the cross, the temptation continues. Listen! Until you learn how to handle wisely, how to resist, how to deal with, how to endure and how to overcome temptation, you may not be able to continue in the Christian faith. Could this be what the Bible means when it says, “When the Son of Man comes again, and will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).

My friend, satan has desired to lure you, to seduce you, to induce, to attract, to fascinate, to instigate, to entice, to make your mouth water and captivate you. That’s the simplest definition of temptation. Satan’s temptations follow familiar four-step pattern. You must not be ignorant of them. First, satan will identify your natural God-given desire and he will make you take them beyond God’s given limit and boundary. He will exert a force to make you think, say or do things; relate to people, pursue something or go to places beyond the boundaries that you’re allowed by the Word of God…the limit and boundaries that has been put in place by God.

My friend, when satan tempts you, he will lure you to satisfy your right desires in a wrong way and at a wrong time. He will invite you to accept a different way to meet your needs apart from the divinely established and outlined way by God. Once he identifies the desire within you, then he suggests to you to fulfil that legitimate desire in a wrong way. For example, we all have sex drive (sex desire) which is naturally put in us by God. But what temptation, by satan and his agents, does is to lure us to satisfy that desire with the wrong person, in the wrong place and at the wrong time. My friend, the truth is, if you didn’t have desires, temptation couldn’t attract you. The Bible says there’s: “A whole army of evil desires within you and me” (James 4:1). Do you agree?

Second, satan would try to get you to doubt what God has said about your destiny, about your divine assignment, about your dream, about the person God puts in your life, about God’s promise to you, about God’s instructions which you must follow to receive your salvation, healing, breakthrough, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, blessing or miracle. Satan will get you to doubt what God said about sin? That’s what he used against Eve. He will whisper in your ears, “Is it really wrong?” “Did God really say that to you?”  “How come others do it and nothing happens?” Doesn’t God really want you to be happy?” “If He is really in control of your life and in control of the situation, how come things have not changed with your faith in Him, prayer, sowing and continuous attendance in church services?” The Book of Hebrews warns us to: “Watch out! Don’t let evil thoughts or doubts make any of you turn from the living God” (Heb 3:12).Third, satan is incapable of telling the truth. He’s “the father of lies” (read John 8:44). Anything he tells you will either be untrue or half-true. He uses deception so much to tempt God’s elect in order to sift us from the presence and promise of God. He’ll whisper words like, “Nobody will ever know. Do it! It’ll solve your problem. It’s only a little sin.” But a little sin is like being a little pregnant; it’ll eventually show itself. It is those “little foxes, that spoil the vines – little lies, little disobedience, little covetousness, little greed, little laziness, little sleep, little slumber or little prayerlessness (Songs of Solomon 2:15This is why Jesus says to His disciples or followers – you and I – to keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation.” (Matt. 26:41)

Fourth, disobedience is a familiar pattern that satan uses to tempt us. My friend, if you conceive and carry a thought long enough, you’ll birth a behaviour. Every addict starts with one fix and every alcoholic with one drink. Troubled or shattered marriage relationships begin with seemingly innocent flirtations. James warns, “We are tempted when we are drawn away and trapped by our own evil desires… do not be deceived” (James 1:14-16). You may ask, “What’s the solution?” You should live closer to God and you’ll be less vulnerable to temptation!

My friend, may I say this that no matter how spiritual you become, you’ll never outgrow temptation! Actually, temptation is a compliment; it means satan fears your potential. So, the closer you get to God, the more satan will attack you through anything or anyone. While you’re praying he’ll suggest an evil thought to distract and sift you. Don’t be alarmed. Satan fears your prayers and he’ll do anything to hinder them. Instead of condemning yourself, just ‘call his bluff,’ and then refocus on God. It is God who will help you resist the devil against temptation and overcome temptation. It is Him only who will give you hope, redirect your life and restore you if you have yielded to, overtaken by or fallen into temptation. Has temptation overtaken you? God will make a way (read 1 Cor 10:13) Many good men and women have stumbled into temptation! Even those of us who are godly and walk with Jesus were vulnerable to temptation. Do you remember Peter? His failure would have got him thrown out of most churches, but notice how Jesus dealt with him. First, Jesus gave him hope. He gave him the picture of his future leadership, assignment and victories. Jesus told him, “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build My church.” (Matt. 16:18).

Did you hear that? Peter became one of the greatest soul-winners in the New Testament, a leader in the church and the Author of two New Testament Books. Next, Jesus identified Peter’s enemy. He said, “Satan has desired to seduce, lure, bind, and separate you.” (Luke 22:31) My friend, until you know who your real enemy is you won’t know how to defend yourself or how to. Jesus confessed to being his personal intercessor. He said to him, “I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail during your temptation and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:23). 

Jesus did not pray that Peter would escape his temptation. No, he prayed that his faith wouldn’t fail in the process. The Master knew that out of the temptation would emerge new character, the type Simon Peter needed to fulfil his destiny and strengthen others. If you are going through a temptation today, Jesus is on your side. Jesus brought beauty out of the ashes in the life, mission and vision of Peter. He will do same for you. Remain blessed!