Gary, a member of the Windrush Help Team

Some people from the Caribbean, or countries such as Ghana or Nigeria who settled lawfully in the UK before 1988 have the right to live and work here, but do not have the correct documents to show their legal status. 

As a result, they may have found it hard to demonstrate their right to work and access services in the UK, and lost out on things like jobs, housing and healthcare. This has become known as the ‘Windrush issue’ as many of those affected are people from the ‘Windrush generation’ and their families. The Windrush Help Team has been set up to help eligible people get the documents they need to demonstrate their right to live and work in the UK. They can also help people claim compensation.

Here are some of the most common misconceptions associated with applying for the Windrush Scheme and the Windrush Compensation Scheme, as many people don’t realise they are eligible to apply for support or to seek compensation. 

You can only receive help if you are from the Caribbean. 

This isn’t true. If you have settled lawfully in the UK from ANY overseas country before the end of 1988 and have been affected by the Windrush issue, you should call the Windrush Help Team to confirm if you are eligible for support.

You can only apply for support if you have the correct paperwork 

You can still apply even if you don’t have the correct paperwork.  The UK Government recognises that those affected by the Windrush issue did not have documentation to prove their lawful status and so has set up the Windrush Scheme and the Windrush Compensation Scheme to help affected groups get the documents they need and compensate them for the impacts and losses they suffered.

It can take years to receive support or compensation 

Getting help is quicker and easier than you think. 

The Windrush Help Team is a dedicated group of individuals, committed to guiding eligible people through the application process to secure the support they need – be it acquiring the correct paperwork to prove their right to remain in the UK, or receiving compensation. 

If you call the Windrush Helpline your details will be passed on to Immigration Enforcement

This is absolutely not true. The Windrush Help Team was set up to help those that have been affected by the Windrush issue.  All active Windrush cases are dealt with sensitively by the Windrush Help Team. 

The information provided by callers to the Windrush Helpline is not shared with Immigration Enforcement. 

The process is expensive 

The helpline is free, and any applications made for support are free. 

You cannot apply if you have a criminal record 

The Windrush Help Team is focused on supporting people that were affected by the Windrush Issue. You may still be eligible to receive help if you have a criminal record.    

All claims for support have been put on hold due to the COVID 19 Pandemic 

The Windrush Help Team has continued to process applications during the pandemic and is working tirelessly to make a difference to the lives of those affected by the Windrush issue.  

You will be forced to accept the first offer of compensation 

If you are offered compensation and aren’t happy with the amount offered, you are entitled to have the offer reviewed by another team in the Home Office.  If you are still unhappy with the offer, you can have it reviewed by the independent Adjudicator. 

You cannot apply if you are based overseas

You are still able to apply for support from the Windrush Help Team, but the process is slightly different. If you are applying from outside the UK, you must use the online application form.

To learn if you can receive help from the Windrush Scheme and the Windrush Compensation Scheme, even if you are unsure of the documents you need, visit or call the FREE helpline 0800 678 1925 for assistance.

Anything you tell the Windrush Help Team will be treated with sensitivity and won’t be passed on to Immigration Enforcement.

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