Unemployment In Nigeria – The Way Forward

By Olakunle Agboola – Joblessness for employable youths and adults in Nigeria has become a festered sore that needs urgent attention.
Army of Unemployed Nigerians
Unemployment is one of the basic developmental challenges facing Nigeria at the moment. The International Labour Organization put the figure of unemployed youths at 73.4 million in 2013. It has however increased to 80.4 million in the year 2017.
This is apparently a paradox. A situation whereby, there is a decade of strong real GDP of 6.5 per cent economic growth, and in the same period, unemployment rate continue to rise annually from 11.9 per cent in 2005 to 19.7 per cent in 2009, and over 37 per cent in 2017.
The apparent economic growth has not led to economic development. The rate of poverty is very high, the industries are still in shambles, technological development is still at the rudimentary stage, income inequality holds sway, lending credence to high mortality rate. Nigeria’s development index is still very low.

This situation is pathetic considering the fact that the country is blessed with a lot of human and natural resources which are capable of providing employment for the teaming youths but yet, Nigeria is still battling to cater for her citizen. The quest for good leadership and corruption amongst many is one of the major problems hampering growth and development in Nigeria. There is a need for fine-tuned knowledge and tactical approach if we are to get out of this woods of unemployment .
There is a huge problem with the  educational system, which has made most of our graduates onlookers rather than participants  in the 21st century of science and technological development. The earlier we under-study the academic curriculums that lack the totality of education which is man-made, the better for us, or else we will be trapped in a small room of thinking that does not necessitate growth and development. There ought to be a direct correlation between the educational system and job creation. The current system of education needs urgent surgery as it lack the mechanics of growing the nation or solving  the problem of unemployment.
The essence of education is to build, train and prepare the youth for the future. The present system of education must be well defined with individual strength, uniqueness, creativity, talents and potentials. The idea of go to school, learn and come out to look for a job is a pitfall towards lateral thinking and creative energy for nation building. There is a need for revolutionary thinking having  focus on self- discovery and creative endowment of each child in the attainment of purpose, and job creation.

We will have to wake up to the reality of creating an enabling environment for job creation and sustainable growth. ‘Go to school to discover yourself and create a job’ ought to be the new paradigm while government do all to support small businesses by making basic amenities available for the teaming population. Government will have to revive the educational sector by  creating a structure and system that develops itself so that children and children yet unborn can dream and live their dreams.
Nigeria is rich and endowed with natural resources that  can go round the teaming population but it is a big deal if our leaders cannot see beyond now, and do away with corruption, selfishness, and greed.

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