Megan and Harry’s Royal visit to Brixton


Prince Harry and his fiancée Megan were few metres away from the African Voice Newspapers Brixton office on Tuesday 9th January while visiting Reprezent, a youth focused Radio station in the highly populated Afro – Caribbean neighbourhood of London.

Prince Harry and Ms. Markle

The only inclination of this royal visit was in a tweet from Kensington Palace last week which read: ‘Prince Harry and Ms. Markle will visit @ReprezentRadio in Brixton on 9th January, to see their work supporting young people through creative training in radio and broadcasting, and to learn more about their model of using music, radio and media for social impact.’


Reprezent Radio station was founded in Peckham in 2008 to raise awareness around growing trend of gun and knife crime in London. Located inside Pop Brixton, a hub for community businesses, It has since been training and developing young people in radio broadcasting.

The Mayor of Lambeth, Cllr. Marcia Cameron, the council leader, Cllr. Lib Peck, the officials of Reprezent and the young people were on hand to receive the royal couple.

Megan and Harry held discussions with the presenters and staff of community radio station Reprezent 107.3FM.

There was a big frenzy and excitement as the waiting crowd outside the premises received the royal couple with warm enthusiasm during the visit.

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