Mag ordered to pay for ‘Ri Caprio’ baby lie


A French court has ordered the magazine Oops! to print a retraction of its story alleging that Leonardo Di Caprio got pop star Rihanna pregnant.

Rihanna and Di Caprio fail to emerge incognito from a night club late on Valentine’s Day 2015
Rihanna and Di Caprio fail to emerge incognito from a night club late on Valentine’s Day 2015

The magazine cover referenced in the suit features photos of Rihanna and DiCaprio and the cover line: “Rihanna Enceinte de Leonardo!” – literally “Rihanna pregnant from Leonardo!” The article in question also claims Leo didn’t want the baby.

A French judge awarded DiCaprio 8,000 euros, ruling that the cover and article effectively violated the actor’s privacy.

According to the Hollywood Reporter: Oops! attempted to argue that Di Caprio never denied a relationship with Rihanna and spoke about his private life in media interviews, but the French court responded that a salacious story on the cover of Oops! was “inherently likely to cause serious harm to” the actor. Moreover, it ruled that the actor’s “alleged appeasement towards the media is not established.”

As part of the ruling, Oops! also has to print an acknowledgement of the news on its cover which, roughly translated from the ruling in French, reads:

The French court orders Oops! to print on its next cover in bold capital red letters “OOPS! SENTENCED TO PAY LEONARDO DI CAPRIO” followed without further comment by this statement: “By order of 27 July 2015, the judge of the High Court of Paris orders the company editor of OOPS! Magazine to pay provisional compensation to Leonardo Di Caprio for having published in its issue 188, 13 to 28 in May 2015, an article without respect for his privacy and his image rights.”