Pastor Johnson ‘Jide Siwoku wrote in an opinion column on African Voice concerning the different audio and video clips, having to do with issues on the Fifth Generation Telecoms Technology (5G), Artificial Intelligence (AI), the New World Order (NWO), that have been flying around recently on social media, all these being linked to each other and some being linked one way or the other to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic.
I see this as a case of ’insult upon injury’ that is, worsening the already bad situation! From whatever perspective anyone may want to see and analyze this development either from the perspective of ‘conspiracy theory’ – muscle-flexing amongst super power nations or as a case of few super-rich persons wanting to be in control of the world or from any other perspective for that matter, it is obvious that this issue has been creating fear and anxiety in people.
We’ve seen video clips showing birds falling dead from the sky in unusual large numbers, and this is being attributed to radiation from 5G telecom waves. Some might be thinking, ‘would this ultimately lead to the demise of humans and other living creatures?’ Umm, I would say certainly ‘No’ to this.
One certain truth we should all hold on to is that, ‘the one who didn’t bring the world into existence cannot take it to extinction.’Over time in our world, incidences have happened – wars after wars across the globe in remote and recent past, pestilences at different times, natural disasters during which millions upon millions lives were lost.

My little research reveals that in the First World War, considered as the deadliest, around 37 million people died globally. The death toll in the Second World War is put at between 22 and 30 million. When the number of deaths from natural disasters and pestilences are added, the figure would be staggering. Yet, the world remains and humans in particular continue to perpetuate.
God the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth is Sovereign, Supreme and Superior by all standards. Technology is no doubt good but if humans would want to use this to destroy the world that God took His time to beautifully created, I’m sure He would not allow it. In all that is happening now, rather than be fearful or anxious, I choose to take solace in the truth of the word of God that stands forever. For instance, in 1 Cor. 1:25 it is written,“… the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” Hear also as it’s written in Psalm 2:1-5: “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, “Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure.”
I’m inclined to agree that some few powerful people in the world may be playing power games for their selfish interests and gains. But would this have been possible if God did not allow it? Don’t we read it in the Bible that He allowed the children of Israel to be taken into captivity by their enemies because of their sinful indulgences and their captors later punished? These game players ultimately, will not go scot free. I believe God will deal with them appropriately at His own time.
The things we are hearing and seeing now indeed might look or sound scary and crazy. However, my response has always been in accordance to the Scriptures. The incidence of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 is a case in point that no one can out-smart God in strategic and logistic planning; God is the ‘Super Master Strategist’. He holds the ace card which He would play when the time is ripe. May His name be praised forever.
In summary, this is my take, Terrestrial Order cannot and will not rubbish Celestial Order; the one who didn’t bring the world into existence cannot take it into extinction! God bless you. SHALOM.

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