New road to Kenya open for traffic


The 100 kilometre Yabelo-Mega road that connects Ethiopia to Kenya opened for traffic last week.

The Yabelo-Mega road is part of the 1,000Km Mombasa-Nairobi-Addis Abeba Road Corridor.

Speaking at the inauguration, Ethiopian Minister for Transport, Workneh Gebeyhu, said the road is one of several many projects underway in the country aimed at linking Ethiopia with its neighbours through infrastructure.

President of the Oromia Regional State, Muktar Kedir, said the road plays a critical role in connecting different woredas of the Borena Zone, enhancing provision of health, education and other public services to the local communities.

The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) said the construction of the road lasted for over three years and had cost the authority 740 million Birr. The project was carried out by China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Company