Health workers have one week to join tax campaign



Workers in the health and wellbeing professions who have taxable income that they have not told HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about have one week to come forward and register.

The Health and Wellbeing Tax Plan offers health professionals a time-limited chance to bring their tax affairs up to date, on the best terms.

The campaign covers physiotherapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, chiropodists, podiatrists, homeopaths, dieticians, nutritional therapists, reflexologists, acupuncturists, psychologists, speech, language and art therapists and others.

Health professionals have until 31 December to tell HMRC that they would like to take part in the campaign, and until 6 April 2014 to disclose the details and pay the tax owed.

After 31 December, HMRC will take a much closer look at their tax affairs. By using this campaign to come forward, any penalty the health workers might have to pay will be lower than if HMRC goes to them first.

Marian Wilson, Head of HMRC Campaigns, said:
“This campaign gives health and wellbeing professionals a quick and straightforward way to bring their tax affairs up to date. Help, advice and support is available.

“After the opportunity closes on 6 April, HMRC will use information we hold from third parties and regulatory bodies to identify people who have not paid what they owe. Penalties – or even criminal prosecution – could follow.”

People can take part in the Health and Wellbeing campaign by:
· telling HMRC by 31 December that they want to take part in the campaign

· disclosing the details and paying what they owe by 6 April 2014

Since 2007, HMRC campaigns have collected over £552 million in tax from people coming to us, and over £224 million from a large number of follow-up activities. There are a number of criminal investigations underway and seven people have been convicted, with custodial sentences handed out of up to two years. Those convicted have between them had to pay over £550,000.

HMRC campaigns have targeted offshore investments, doctors, dentists, plumbers, VAT defaulters, coaches and tutors, property lettings, electricians, online traders and higher rate taxpayers with outstanding tax returns.