Black Mental Health UK- Mental Health and Policing Summit


Black Mental Health UK, a mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental health issues within the black community will be holding a policing and mental health summit later this month.


The summit, which will feature Home Secretary Theresa May as the keynote speaker, aims to “both challenge and support the police and other services on their practices related to the end-to-end treatment of vulnerable people, and agree further actions required by national agencies to improve practice around working with vulnerable people, including ethnic minorities.”

A range of other speakers will also give talks on a variety of issues as well as running workshops on topics such as the Identification of Vulnerable People, Transportation, Restraint, Learning Lessons from Deaths in Custody and Where Next, home hospital or other?

“In their day-to-day work, the police will often be called to respond to individuals who have a wide range of vulnerabilities; estimates suggest that nationally, around 20% of police time is spent dealing with people suffering from mental ill-health,” the charity stated.

“Policing is now seen to be, all too often, the first stage in the mental health “care pathway” for people from the United Kingdom’s African Caribbean communities,” they added.

Event Information

Date: Thursday 23 October 2014

Location:  Central Hall Westminster, London

Registration opens: 09:30

Event start:   10:00

Event end:   16:00

Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided.

To secure your place, please email by 1700 Monday 29th September including details of any special requirements.